You've come to the right place.Welcome!
The easiest way to redownload your templates from a certain order is to log in to your account. If you don't have an account, you can easily create one using the "Login" link at the top right of any page on this site - simply create your account using the email address you usually use when placing your orders and your previous purchases should show up in your new account.
If you don't wish to create an account (but you should!), you can enter the email address you use to place orders at the link below, and our system will send you a new donwload link email for every order you've ever placed with us.
Click Here to Recover Download Link Emails
• Photoshop CS3 or Newer
• Elements 11 or Newer
***Our templates can NOT be used with Lightroom or Gimp***
HECK YES! We provide the actual font files used, we will never give you an outside "font link" that could potentially send you to a site that would download a virus onto your computer.
No, we are not a printing company and don't handle any printing. We sell the pre-designed layouts (layered Photoshop® templates). You add your images to the templates (pre-designed pages) and order your printed piece from the printer of your choice.
Specialty products such as Accordion Books, CD Cases, Image Boxes, etc. are sized specifically for printing at White House Custom Color or Miller's Lab - Check the description of any product for printer/sizing information
Please take advantage of our completely unbranded product websites:
Nope, we sure don't. We don't believe in making you wait for a random "sale" to get the best price on your templates. Our templates are at the lowest possible price all the time, so you can feel confident shopping knowing that something you just bought won't be half the price next week.
METHOD 1: Once an action is downloaded and saved to your computer, double click the action file (.atn file) – this will pre-load it into your actions panel in Photoshop. If your actions panel is not already open, you will need to open it by going in your menu to Window > Actions
METHOD 2: If you have multiple versions of Photoshop or Elements installed on your computer,
right click on the .atn file, choose "Open With", then choose your version of Photoshop or Elements. This will pre-load it into your actions panel in Photoshop. If your actions panel is not already open, you will need to open it by going in your menu to Window > Actions
METHOD 3: With your actions panel open, click the tiny "fly-out' menu button in the upper right corner of the panel (looks like three lines in a row) and choose "Load Actions". Your computers file browser will open and you can choose the action file that you wish to install.
MAC – Double Click the Zip File
PC – Right Click on the Zip File & Choose Extract All
Double click the font file, click "Install" in the window that opens.
Right click the font file and select "Install".
Place the font file(s) into the FONTS folder, usually located here:
Click START - Double click your C: Drive \ Windows \ Fonts
Go in your Photoshop menu to File > Open
Select a PSD file and litterally drag it on top of the Photoshop Icon on your desktop (pc) or in the Dock (mac)
Right click on a PSD file and choose Open With> Photoshop
After loading your "Teddy's Tools" action set, simply
IMPORTANT(also read update below)
When resizing an image in Photoshop you must hold down the SHIFT key while dragging only from one of the four corners to keep the image in proportion. If you do not hold down the SHIFT key, your photo will become distorted. (in Elements, you generally do NOT have to hold the Shift key while resizing)
***UPDATE ***
With the Photoshop CC 2019 update, Adobe made a big change — it is now default when resizing images to NOT hold down your Shift key. With this update, if you hold the Shift key while resizing an image, it will warp the image. This only applies if you are using CC 2019 or later.
If you also hold the Alt/Option key, your image will resize from the center point which is faster - try it out! :)
The absolute fastest way to add your images into any template is to use our amazing MAGIC ACTIONS, it does all the resizing work for you and makes adding mulitple images lighting fast!!
After loading your "Teddy's Tools" action set...
1. Double click the “color box thumbnail” on the left side of the shape layer.
2. This will open the “Color Picker” and you can choose a new color.
If there are strokes (outlines) in your template, you can change the color by (1) double clicking on the "fx" symbol on the right side of the layer. This will open your "Layer Style" panel. (2) Click on "Stroke" in the menu on the left, then (3) click the color box to open your "Color Picker" and choose a new color.
1. Select the Typing Tool in your tool palette. (looks like a big "T")
2. Click within the text to "activate" it, make your changes, then click back onto the "Move" tool when finished.
While resizing your image, hover your mouse outside one of the four corners and it will turn into a curved, double-sided arrow (see screen shot below). Once you see that curved arrow, click down and drag to rotate the image.
After loading your "Teddy's Tools" action set, simply
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OnWindows, pressing PrtScr captures a screenshot of the entire desktop, while Alt+PrtScr captures only theactive window. Windows places these captured screenshots in theclipboard, so you’ll need to “paste” the screen shot in an open Paint or Photoshop file.
**** Starting withWindows 8, however, ⊞ Win+PrtScr or ⊞ Win+Volume up instantly saves a screenshot to the "Screenshots" folder in "Pictures" library. All screenshots are saved asPNG files.****